Tag Archives: Genoa Track

Replacing the Toe Rail

This is a bit of a placeholder, and will get updated over time.

1/13/19 Some Pics and current thinking: The Template that I scribed off the boat, and then transferred them to the paper taped to the floor to figure out how to cut what I needed out of the 3’x4′ sheet of G10. I then glassed the three pieces of g10 together and will cut the bases out of that. I can then fit the teak rail on top to raise up the total height to ~1.5 inches.

1/13/19 Note from Charles Pleisse on Vendors:

Coosa Board: Coosa Bluewater 26.  It is available from a local distributor in Baltimore called Total Plastics International.  A 3/4″-4’x8′ sheet of the stuff is $276, less than half the bd.ft cost of teak.  I looked here for the price and it was about the same as G10. Note that I ended up getting the 1/4′ G10 which is actually cheaper.

Fasteners: Albany County Fasteners (866)573-0445.   I was able to get everything needed in 316 stainless for just a hair over $100.


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