Tag Archives: pintal

Rudder Work #1

Here is the link on the Alberg 30 page for rudder varients


The pintal is worn down. however, in general the hardware is good. The pin in the shoe was loose, and was not seated tightly but otherwise in good shape. I had it replaced about 10 + years ago, and they used a bolt cut down to size and I am guessing “floating”. Originally it may have been bolted into the rudder post. The yard I had this done in used a cut down bronze bolt, and left the thread on – why they did not use the shoulder where there was no thread I do not know.  The shoe is in good shape. The pin being loose in the shoe is another example of why you always need to check a boatyard’s work. Basically my assumption now is that if a yard thinks you are not going to see something, then they will cut corners. I am becoming a skeptical bastard in my old age!

Anyway. shaft needs to come out, and rudder head needs to come off – both are in process.


The hardware is well glassed in, and uses a rivet type fastening approach. I need to find out what these are made of – in my past I have heard of copper fastenings applied this way. The pintal is facing up – the pin hooks up –  so that the rudder can slide on while the gudgeon is in place. This looks like a one piece gudgeon.


Here is a closer look. You can see how loose the pin is in the gudgeon – basically rattling around in there.


There is an A30 down the way (Slainte) that has the hardware bolted in


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Filed under Hardware, Maintenance, Rudder